Save Castle Point from being ruined by a bad Local Plan and/or Developers greed. Let us have a GOOD Castle Point Plan, not one similar to 2019 Local Plan that was a blueprint to ruin the borough!

Residents, let's make our voices heard and save Castle Point from being ruined.


You want to save Castle Point from ruin and protect the green belt, but you wonder what can you do to help?

There is plenty that can be done and many residents have spent years getting involved to help our community of Castle Point.  Here are some thoughts:-

  • Research the issue thoroughly to find out what the real threats are to the green spaces of Castle Point
  • Respond to consultations from the council that seek your views on planning matters
  • Look out for planning applications seeking to build on green belt and use the opportunity to comment and object on the council website
  • When opportunities arise sign worthwhile petitions on the appropriate issue. Make sure the petitions are useful and accurate
  • Maybe there is a peaceful protest you can attend
  • Perhaps you can email your MP, or local councillors with your concerns
  • Certain pieces of green belt land have been under threat of development for many years, try and learn the background history. Knowledge is always helpful.
  • Tell friends and neighbours about the issue
  • If you are on social media perhaps you can comment online about the issue to raise awareness
  • At local elections make sure you vote for candidates that genuinely want to protect Castle Point from ruin and protect our green belt. Regrettably many national parties claim to care about this issue but frequently their actions do not match their words

Brook Farm Daws Heath Planning Appeal


This beautiful green belt land was REFUSED planning permission for 455 houses by the Independent run council.  This land stretches from the Rayleigh Road, behind the Fire station/adjacent to Sainsbury’s, and runs along the Daws Heath Road ending close by to Little Havens Hospice. It was known as HO13 in the Conservative Local Plan and they had allocated it for development. When Independents took control of the council the Conservative plan was withdrawn. The property developers were apparently not pleased with their planning application being refused so have appealed to central government to get the decision overturned. This appeal takes the form of a full-scale public inquiry which will last several days. Hopefully interested residents, that are able to, will attend and observe proceedings. By doing so they will show the government inspector the strength of feeling against this development in the community.

Appeal location: Council Chamber, CPBC, Kiln Rd, Thundersley, Essex

A little historical reminder of a crucial moment in the struggle to protect our green belt when we were facing a Con Local Plan designed to wipe out vast swathes of green belt

The 2019 Con Local Plan has been WITHDRAWN but the battle to save our Green Belt continues....

In May 2022 we saw the Independents take control of CPBC and as they promised they would do they WITHDREW the 2019 Local Plan and instructed officers to start work on a new Local Plan to meet Local Need instead of developers greed.  Great news but the developers still want to over develop Castle Point and build on its remaining green spaces. Expect planning applications to be submitted by developers to ruin the borough with vast housing estates (especially on green belt land that the council had previously identified in the withdrawn Local Plan to attract developers to the area).

Aug 2022 and we now have one such planning application....plan to build a huge estate in Brook Farm, Daws Heath, Castle Point.  UPDATE Planning Decision expected early 2023

OBJECTIONS to the Council now closed


Developers apply for permission to build housing on green belt in Benfleet

Part of one of the green belt sites identified in the withdrawn Local Plan

Comments to council now CLOSED


Please register for updates on

the NEW Castle Point Plan

The Council is keen to hear from as many people as possible on the new plan. If you would like to give you views and be kept up to date as the plan develops please email

Register for updates on Castle Point Plan

Jotmans/Land West  of Benfleet
I love a good local plan

The Battles to Save Castle Point

Just some of the moments in recent years


  • Slide title

  • Main Modifications Consultation

    Click to go to council website

Where are all the houses and flats going to be built?

This CPBC Local Plan of mass building and green belt destruction will take place throughout Castle Point including the following:-

HO9- Land West of Benfleet/Jotmans 850+ homes

HO10- Land between Felstead Rd/Catherine Rd 101+ homes

HO11- Land off Glyders, nr Essex Way, Benfleet 30+ homes

HO12- WRVS Hall, Richmond Ave 39+ homes

HO13- Daws Heath Rd, Daws Heath 455+ homes

HO14- Land at Brook Farm, Daws Heath 173+ homes

HO15- Land at Scrub Lane, Hadleigh 55+ homes

HO16- Land at Oak Tree Farm, Daws Heath 65+ homes

HO17- Hadleigh Island 52+ homes

HO18- Grasmere Rd & Borrowdale Rd 30+ homes

HO19- Land at Glebelands 155+ homes

HO20- The Chase, Thundersley 340+ homes

HO21- Land fronting Rayleigh Rd, Thundersley 60+ homes

HO22- Land at Thames Loose Leaf 12 homes

HO23- Land east of Canvey Rd, Canvey 300+ homes

HO24- Land west of Canvey Rd, Canvey 196+homes

HO25- Land at Thorney Bay, Canvey 820 park homes

HO26- Land at The Point, Canvey 100+homes

HO27- Walsingham House, Canvey 32+ homes

HO28- Land at Admiral Jellicoe, Canvey 14 homes

HO29- Land south of Haron Close, Canvey 24+ homes

HO30 - Land at Haystack car park, Canvey 14+ homes

HO31 - Land east of Kings Park Village, Canvey 50+ homes

This list is not exhaustive and a vast amount of these sites are on green belt land.



Key Facts

  • The most recent Local Plan was brought forward for Examination by Conservative led Castle Point Borough Council on Oct 2019. There was a critical vote at that time where the Conservative councillors voted FOR the Local Plan and the Independents voted AGAINST. The Independents were defeated in that vote and the Local Plan process continued.
  • Green Belt status of land can only be changed through the process of a Local Plan
  • The target number of homes to be built in this Local Plan was put forward by Castle Point Borough Council. They used a government provided method to make the baseline calculation of Objectively Assessed Need but did not reduce the target number which they legitimately could have done because of the constraints of the borough in terms of things such as Green Belt and Flood zones.

Frequent Questions

All political parties in Castle Point are claiming they want to protect the Green Belt.  Which one can I trust?

To answer that you need to know which party brought forward the Local Plan and have been failing to produce a sensible one for the people of the Borough for decades and which parties have done everything in their power to resist this bad Local Plan to try and Save Castle Point from Ruin.

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The Conservative backed UNADOPTED CPBC Local Plan would lead to :-
  • Creation of 5000-6000 homes, around half of which is on green belt which will be replaced by housing estates
  •  Loss of bio diversity, natural habitat and places for wildlife to live
  • Over population of Castle Point when it is already one  of the most populated boroughs in Essex relative to its  small land area
  • Worsening of congestion on the already crowded roads
  • Increase in air pollution from increased car and lorry traffic 
  • Further over stretching of local healthcare provision
  • A lack of educational services for the planned vastly increased population of the area
  • Removal of land/stables where horses can be kept
  • A total negative transformation of the character of the area
We have sent a message to Castle Point Borough Council that we do not want our area ruined by their Local Plan and that they should withdraw it and immediately replace with a version without sacrificing the green spaces. 
 view the petition:-
... and another threat to the residents and environment of Castle Point is ASELA
ASELA is an unelected, undemocratic body that is made up of South Essex councils. This body wants to see 96,000 new homes built and massive overdevelopment of South Essex.  -  A campaign  for residents by residents

Castle Point Borough Council has 41 Councillors representing 14 Wards.  If you are a Castle Point resident It would be a good idea to email your ward councillor, letting them know your views on the Local Plan.

For the email addresses please click this link

What was the view of the then Prime Minister on building on green field sites?

Some earlier battles to save green belt in Castle Point

There is a long history of the community of Castle Point trying to protect the area and its green spaces from overdevelopment. The regular adversaries have been large developers but sometimes politicians have assisted their ambitions.  Some battles have been won by the developers and some by the community.

Battle Lost to Save the Green Belt at Solby Farm, Daws Heath, Castle Point - 2016

Solby Farm was a stables situated on Green Belt in Daws Heath, Castle Point. As well as a place for horses some temporary caravans were stored there. This was a battle the developers won with the help of the casting vote of a local councillor who at the time was chair of the planning committee. There is now a housing estate built on this green belt.

See below an extract from the local newspaper the Echo, 7th Dec 2016

Battle to save JOTMANS Green Belt land from development Victory for residents - 2013-2017

Many attempts have been made to build on the beautiful green belt land at Jotmans/Land West of Benfleet. On 21st April 2017 we have the clearest signal that this green belt land is an "inappropriate place for development", from the Secretary of State in central government.

June 2021 - Article in Echo Newspaper - Protest to protect Oak Tree in Hadleigh

"A PROTEST was held by a “beautiful” oak tree over fears it could be cut down as residents “came together in solidarity” to oppose further development.

The community rallied together in a bid to save the oak tree in Poors Lane, Hadleigh after nearby Oak Tree Farm was included as a site in Castle Point’s local plan.

Pulling the tree down if homes are built has been touted, with a report stating “in order to improve access of Poors Lane, it will be necessary for the oak tree to be removed”.

Residents, who have been left furious at the potential loss of nature, gathered by the loved tree on Sunday.

Tim Copsey, who organised the protest said: “The oak tree is a symbol of the wider problem that Castle Point faces in that there’s an attack on the green belt.

“It symbolises standing up and protecting what the community values. We want to defend our green belt. It’s all part of a much bigger campaign.”

Castle Point resident, Johanne Deverrick said: “Community spirit is very much alive. “We will fight developers and the local plan all we can to not let them cut down this beautiful oak tree which they say is in the way of a secondary entrance they want into a planned development on greenbelt.”

Lisa Stevens, who has lived in the area almost all of her life is urging the council to revise its local plan.

She said: “The gathering in Poors Lane was to ensure the protection of the oak tree, which represents the strength of the Castle Point community to fight the destructive local plan.

“The problem to the developer is that it stands right at the gated entrance of the beautiful ancient woodlands, where if the local plan goes ahead, this will instead become the entrance to a large housing estate, “Our message is loud and clear, the council need to revise the local plan to ensure we all can continue preserve the greenbelt and open spaces that many of us cherish and make regular use of.


BBC News also sent a film crew and presenter to the protest to cover the issues raised.

August 2015 Article in Echo Newspaper

When considering the campaigning to Save the Green Belt that has happened over the years it is important to mention the great efforts of the Canvey Green Belt Campaign chaired by Graham Bracci.  They have raised a constant voice for the protection of green belt over many years and they have shared many good articles on their online Blog.

Timeline of The 2019 Con Castle Point Local Plan - From the brink of disaster to WITHDRAWAL

This information is given in good faith and apologies for any errors and omissions. This is a resident’s perspective on the process of the Conservative backed 2019 Local Plan that was put forward for Castle Point covering period of 2018-2033. The Local Plan identifies the number of and locations for houses, jobs and businesses. The Local Plan also includes planning policies and sets boundaries for where development can occur.

·        October 2019 a majority of Castle Point Councillors led by Conservative Council Leader N Smith vote in favour of putting forward a Local Plan that has been prepared under the influence of the controlling Conservative group of castle Point councillors (All Canvey Independent councillors vote against).

·        December 2019 Public consultation (or lack of). A letter is sent out to “some” residents of Castle Point (not all I and many others did not get one) just before Christmas. Apparently, it was in an unmarked envelope so many people would assume its just junk mail and not open it anyway. The letter gave no clue as to the huge changes planned in the Local Plan just was a formal notification style letter. The letter gave notice of a period of a few months whereby the public could submit their views/objections to the Local Plan. In order to see the plan the letter advised viewing on the council website, visiting a library or council offices to view documents. No OFFICIAL public meetings held at the time where the public could ask questions about the Local Plan. To the best of my knowledge there were a couple of unofficial meetings held where residents discussed the Local Plan. The mechanism to submit feedback on the Local Plan was complex so in the end the public were allowed to send a letter or email. All of this on the basis of the limited numbers of members of the public that knew what was going on. Some of us were alerted via friends posting about on Social Media.

·        The Local Plan is a huge document with many extra supporting documents that covers various aspects of the local area for the years ahead. The aspect that will probably be of most interest for most residents is the housing plans. In brief the council has assessed its housing needs for the area up to 2033. It has calculated the already densely populated (yet static population) of Castle Point needs 5367 new homes being built on various sites throughout the area. Some of these new housing estates to be built on brownfield land and around half of this number on green field green belt. This would have a devastating effect on the character of areas, the wildlife, the environment, congestion, infrastructure, local services, education, policing, etc etc. For example the impact on the green belt of the Daws Heath area is truly horrendous with three green belt greenfield sites scheduled for destruction in the Local plan to be replaced by housing estates. (Daws Heath Road 455 homes, Brook Farm 173 homes, Oak Tree Farm 65 homes).  A Local Plan has the power to reclassify greenbelt land into building land which is why it is crucial that a Local Plan is sound and legal otherwise the effect on an area can be devastating.

·        October 2020 Castle Point submit the Local Plan to The Secretary of State and an Inspector is appointed to conduct a formal Examination of the Local Plan to see if it is legally compliant and sound. There was subsequently a change of Inspector. All the public views that had been submitted to the council were passed to the Inspector for his consideration during his examination. The inspector raised various initial questions and then a more substantial list of 359 queries for the council to answer. 

·        March 2021 – Conservative Council Leader N Smith resigns as council leader and councillor for “pressing business demands”. He had been found guilty of two breaches of paragraph 5(a) of the Code of Conduct of the Authority in an in-depth formal enquiry into wrong doing.

·        May – June 2021 The Inspector conducts Hearings on various different aspects of the Local plan. Those people who submitted views are the only people allowed to take part or submit written statements.

·        May 2021 Local Election to elect councillors. Crucial opportunity for the public to vote for candidates that share their opinion of the Local plan. Outcome that PIP (the pro green belt independents) now has 4 councillors elected. They share a common goal with the CIIP councillors on Canvey to protect green belt.

·        March 2022 Inspector delivers his verdict on the Examination of the Local Plan. He makes suggestions for modifications to make it compliant, sound plan. The entire Local Plan making process has been concluded and the Local Plan found "Sound" by the Government Planning Inspector.  Note at this point the plan is not a work in progress that could be paused but a Plan awaiting a council vote to ADOPT or WITHDRAW. The first councillors vote on  this matter on the 23rd March resulted in a decision NOT TO ADOPT the plan.

·        May 2022 Local Election took place and  Conservatives lose control of the council and CIIP and PIP form a new administration with a clear mandate to withdraw the local plan and to construct a new one with smaller housing numbers, protecting green belt and building on brownfield previously developed land where possible.

·        June 2022 CPBC councillors vote at a council meeting to WITHDRAW the Local Plan on 15th June 2022.  This vote was preceded by a comprehensive report by the lead officer relating to the Local Plan that explained the consequences of the vote.   This included a warning that attempting to pause a decision on the plan would leave the council vulnerable to the Secretary of State using Section 21 powers to take matters out of the councils hand and force the Adoption of the sound plan.  After the vote to withdraw  council officers were instructed to start work on a new Castle Point Plan that seeks to benefit the community’s needs.

Is there a better alternative to the last attempt at a Local Plan withdrawn in 2022?

Yes there is!  Every area needs homes for residents to live in and every area needs a Local Plan that allows for this and the appropriate infrastructure. Some areas like Castle Point are "constrained"  by factors beyond their control. In the case of Castle Point it has a small area of space, it is already one of the densest populations in Essex, part of it's land area is in Island below sea level, it has a finite amount of road network which is already congested, it has over stretched healthcare and education so there are limits to how many more homes it can build and accommodate sensibly. It does have some brown field sites and could cope with a Local Plan but with homes being built but on a far lower scale. Another important factor is that the homes that are built needs the needs of Castle Point. The area has a virtually static and ageing population. There is a demand for affordable housing and accommodation for elderly people. These needs should be met by a sensible, sound and legal Local Plan that is focussed on the needs of existing residents instead of the ambitions of property developers.

Media Coverage of the Campaign 

Raising awareness is very important and lobbying the council to stop the Local Plan is crucial.

  • Save Castle Point Green Belt residents protest

    Echo News Feb 2022

    Save Castle Point Green Belt residents protest

  • Echo News

    Oak Tree and Green Belt protest

  • Echo News

    MP says Local Plan is UNSOUND

  • Echo News

    Castle Point worst Hospital Waiting times in the country

  • Echo News

    Save The Green Belt Protest

  • Echo News

  • Echo News

    Council Leader Resigns in homes scandal

  • Echo News

    Equestrian protest to protect Green Belt

  • Echo News



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